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Eye bags are caused by weakening of the tissues supporting the fat around the eye. This weakness may be present at an early age or it can develop as you get older. When the fat bulges out over the orbital bone, it creates the bulge known as an eye bag. Older patients may have excess skin under the eyes as well. The surgery to treat these problems is called ‘lower blepharoplasty’.

Who is an ideal candidate for Eye Bag surgery?

There can be different bulges under the eye that make you look younger or older. If the bulge extends beyond 5 mm of your lower eyelid, you most likely have eye bags and would benefit from corrective surgery.

Scarless Eye Bag Removal

Correcting issues that have developed as a result of aging can remove years from one’s appearance. Removing excess skin and tightening the remaining tissue can smooth facial features to once again give patients their youthful glow. To achieve a full facial rejuvenation, a face lift surgery is often performed with other facial procedures. A face lift can easily be performed at the same time as a brow lift or eyelid surgery, to help patients achieve their facial aesthetic goals.

Incisional Eye Bag Removal

An incision is made below the lower lash line to remove excess skin and fat tissue.Suitable for people with moderate eye bags, and have excess lax lower lid skin.

What is the best method to remove eye bags?

The best method will depend on what is troubling you. If you are relatively young and do not have a lot of excess skin to remove, a scarless technique would be appropriate. Even if you need to remove skin, the end result is essentially scarless as the scar is hidden in the lash line. Whether the fat is removed or redistributed will be decided by your surgeon.


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