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Breast enlargement

Breast enlargement, or breast augmentation is a surgical operation to enlarge or reshape the breasts.This procedure is often socially referred to as a ‘boob job’. This procedure is typically for women who want to improve their bodily proportions and boost their self-esteem.

During the breast enlargement surgery, the surgeon will create a small incision under the breast, then insert a breast implant, made from high-quality silicone or saline, or carry out a fat graft in order to change the size, shape, fulness, or sometimes texture of the breast. Options for implants vary by the type of implant (silicone, saline, or cohesive gel), the shape of the implant (round or tear drop shaped), and the size of the breast implant.

Some of the most common reasons for this surgery are:

  • Increase the size of small breasts.
  • Restore fullness and shape that may have been lost due to age.
  • Reconstruct breasts that have been damaged or removed due to injury or illness, such as breast cancer.
  • Create a balance between the breasts and the rest of the body.

Who is suitable for breast enlargement?

  • An adult with fully-developed breasts,
  • Realistic about the expectations of what can be achieved by surgery,
  • Physically and psychologically fit and healthy,
  • Bothered by the size or shape of their breasts, either for genetic reasons or due to external factors such as ageing, pregnancy or weight gain/loss.

Recovery After Mammoplasty

  • You will be sore and will need to rest for the first few days.
  • Most women can resume normal activity after a few days.
  • You will need to wear a surgical bra or another non-underwire bra for several weeks, so the swelling will subside. Fertility and pregnancy are unaffected.
  • Breastfeeding is usually possible afterward. Sensation to the nipple and areola may be rarely affected.


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