The desire to achieve “perfect genitalia or the feminine Divine” has led to the emergence of cosmetic gynecology, a branch of medicine that covers aesthetic proceduresfor the female genital area.


Concept of beauty and aesthetics of external genitalia is inspired by nature and symmetry. Historically, external female genitalia have been likened to a flower. Cltoria-ternatea is a flower aka aprajitha in India which is reserved as a holy flower for daily puja rituals. The holy flower is said to represent the shape of female genitalia. In ancient India, female genital has also been depicted with symbols of fish, double oval, and triangle. The concept of “designer vulva” or “barbie doll vulva” has led to shift in perception of “normal” vagina. The size, shape, texture, and color of the vulva varies with the age, ethnicity, hormonal status, and sexual and personal history. The surge in demand of FGCS (female genital cosmetic surgery (FGCS)) can be attributed to multiple factors:

  1. Increased exposure social media, idealization of the perfect body and also perfect genitalia and to an extent internet pornography.
  2. Information on internet, pornography, and media has started dictating standard norms for “normal appearance” of the genitalia leaving a large chunk of women feeling anxious, insecure with lower self-esteem.
  3. Trend of hairless pubic area with use of lasers or Brazilian wax leading to increase in self-examination of external genital;
  4. (unrealistic) expectation by the male partner which are usually derived from the exotic movies, magazines, decreased society inhibitions, cultural change with acceptance of exhibitionist tendencies of human body, and increasing materialism.

Benefits of Cosmetic Gynecology Procedures:

  • Improved Self-Confidence
  • Enhanced Sexual Satisfaction
  • Relief from certain discomforts especially Urine incontinence
  • Aging & Postpartum Concernsaddressed

A female who has had vaginal issues due to age, pregnancy, or childbirth can benefit from Cosmetic gynaecology that includes both surgical and non-surgical ways.

Surgical options are Labia Minora Plasty, Hymenoplasty, Clitoral Hoodectomy, Labia Majora Plastyand Vaginoplasty.

Non-surgical options include Laser Vulvar whitening, G-Spot Amplification, O-Shot, Vaginal Rejuvenation with Laser etc.

A surgical procedure that reshapes or reduces the size of the labia (Vaginal lips) for both aesthetic and functional benefits.
Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure that restores ruptured hymen, a membrane that partially covers the vagina and a sign of virginity in women.
This reshapes the visible (or outer) part of your vagina.
Intimal skin brightening is a cosmetic procedure to lighten the appearance of the vulva. The procedure may involve the use of topical creams, lasers, or chemical peels.

If a couple are tired of having a boring or unfulfilling sex life, they don’t have to settle. It is an option for a woman to take control of their love life. G-spot augmentation is a relatively quick vaginal rejuvenation procedure that increases sexual satisfaction with very little downtime. 

Repairing and restoration of the loose, ageing or injured perineum (space between your vagina and anus) is taken care of through this method. This procedure is usually helpful for women who don’t heal efficiently after a vaginal delivery. It is a complementary procedure to prolapse surgery. The surgical goals are cosmetic achievement through reformation of the perineal body, thereby lifting the perineum,and greater sexual satisfaction through increased friction with penile penetration.

The Orgasm “O” Shot, is a non-surgical treatment that increases sexual arousal and rejuvenates the vagina. Patients report stronger and more frequent orgasms, increased natural lubrication, and greater arousal after having the procedure.At the heart of the O-Shot’s magic lies PRP.

Vaginismus is the body’s automatic reaction to the fear of some or all types of vaginal penetration. Whenever penetration is attempted, your vaginal muscles tighten up on their own. You have no control over it. This can be overcome by therapy.


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