

    Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty)

    What is Tummy Tuck? (Abdominoplasty)

    Have you done everything you can to lose weight, like workout and change your diet? Are you having trouble reaching your desired weight? Then, a tummy tuck is the right solution for you!


    This article will talk about tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, in detail. By the end of this article, you should gain a proper understanding of the procedure and the risks involved and be able to make a decision on getting the surgery.


    What is a tummy tuck surgery?


    Tummy tucks, also called abdominoplasty surgeries, are a type of plastic surgery performed to reduce the excess fat from the stomach. This surgery is performed for aesthetic reasons and is not done to treat a medical condition.


    Surgeons will make an incision on your stomach, remove excess fat, repair any damaged muscles, and stitch the skin back together. Surgeons may also perform a liposuction to remove excess fat. This surgery can strengthen your abdominal wall and tighten your muscles. It can make your stomach look flat.


    Should you get a tummy tuck?


    Tummy tucks aren’t recommended for everyone. You have to meet certain conditions to be eligible for this surgery. In general, it is not recommended for:


    Women with pregnancy plans: If you’re planning on getting pregnant in the future, doctors generally advise against this surgery. This is because the abdomen stretches during pregnancy, which can undo the effects of abdominoplasty.


    Smokers: Smoking affects the oxygen supply in the blood and can cause serious complications during cosmetic surgeries like abdominoplasty, and is therefore not recommended for smokers.


    People with medical conditions: Those with pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, heart disorders, or other conditions that may interfere with the surgical procedure are not advised to get a tummy tuck.


    People with fluctuating weight: Tummy tuck surgeries are not recommended for those who may experience extreme fluctuations in weight, as this can create changes in the shape of your skin, leaving it loose or flabby.


    A common misunderstanding about tummy tuck surgery is that it reduces weight. It is important to understand that the patient has to maintain their weight post-surgery for the effects to last. The effects of a tummy tuck surgery last long, but it depends on the lifestyle the patient leads.


    What does an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery involve?


    In simple terms, abdominoplasty is the removal of excess fat from the abdomen. This surgery is done under general anaesthesia. This means you won’t feel any pain and won’t be awake for the procedure. Anaesthesia is the first step of this surgery.


    This is followed by an incision. The size of the incision depends on the type of tummy tuck surgery being performed or the amount of fat being reduced. Typically, a horizontal incision is made along the waistline.


    The skin is lifted, and excess fat is removed. Liposuction may be performed in conjunction with a tummy tuck if the surgeon deems it necessary. The muscles are repaired and realigned.


    Finally, the skin is pulled over the incision, excess skin is trimmed off, and the skin is sutured. If the surgery involves the removal of excess fat, the belly button will be repositioned. For this procedure, once the excess fat has been removed, an incision is made for the belly button, and it is popped back in.


    Once all the procedures are completed, any cuts or incisions are sutured properly and taped shut. Your wounds will be covered with bandages for three days. Once the wounds have healed enough, the bandages can be removed.


    Types of tummy tuck surgeries


    There are different types of tummy tuck surgeries, depending on the amount of fat that has to be removed. Hospitals categorise these surgeries differently, but they typically involve the partial tummy tuck and the complete tummy tuck surgeries.


    Partial tummy tuck


    This surgery involves the partial removal of fat and targets the area below the navel. It involves making a small incision between the hip bones, removing any excess fat, and tightening the skin. The belly button is not repositioned in this type of surgery, and patients typically heal in 2 weeks.


    Complete tummy tuck


    In a complete tummy tuck, the entire abdominal area is targeted, and a full incision is made along the waistline. This is done for people with excessive fat along the midriff. Any excess fat is removed, extra skin is trimmed, and the abdomen is stitched up in this surgery. The recovery time for such surgeries is around 6 weeks.


    No matter the type of tummy tuck surgery, it involves making an incision along the abdomen, removing excess fat, trimming any excess skin, and stitching up the skin and muscles. There may be fluid build-up after such surgeries, for which surgeons typically leave some drainage tubes in the patient’s abdomen.


    These tubes can be removed after a few days once all the excess fluid has been drained. The recovery period is typically a couple of weeks, and people should be able to return to their daily routines after recovery.


    Risks of abdominoplasty


    All medical procedures come with a share of risk. How much risk is involved depends on the surgery being performed and the condition of the patient. You should be well-informed about the risks of a tummy tuck surgery before getting one.


    Fluid build-up: With abdominoplasty, there is a risk of fluid building up beneath the skin. This can lead to pain, discomfort, or lumps in the region. Normally, fluid build-up can be drained by surgeons using tubes. Some patients may have to undergo this procedure multiple times.


    Scarring: A tummy tuck can result in a scar on the abdomen where the incision is made. This scar is usually hidden beneath clothes, but can be visually unappealing. It is therefore a risk people should be aware of.


    Changes in sensation: As the skin in the abdomen is repositioned during a tummy tuck surgery, this can lead to some damage in the nerves, reducing sensation in the area. This usually disappears in a couple of months.


    Tissue damage: Fatty tissue in the surgical region may be severely damaged and die off. Surgeons may need to do some skin grafting or other additional procedures to repair damage.


    Infection: A typical complication of most surgeries is infection. This is because any openings in the skin, like cuts or incisions, leave room for bacteria to enter the body. A simple course of antibiotics or other drugs is usually enough to overcome such infections. Keeping any cuts clean and covered with bandages is essential and reduces the risk of infection.


    Uneven healing: Sometimes, getting a tummy tuck can result in uneven or asymmetrical healing. This can be due to uneven tension on the skin, or the structure of the patient’s skin that caused skin to heal in an unpredictable manner.


    Benefits of abdominoplasty


    While a tummy tuck procedure comes with many risks, it is not without benefits. Here are a couple of benefits from this surgery:


    Self-confidence: A tummy tuck procedure is primarily done for cosmetic reasons, so this can improve self-confidence and mental health. People place a lot of importance on appearance, and it has been proven that when people look good, they feel good about themselves. This can also give them the confidence to pursue things they want to without holding back and significantly improve their life and self-image.


    Reduces back pain: Tummy tucks are known to improve the strength of abdominal muscles after significant weight loss or pregnancy. This can help reduce back pain and improve posture.


    Fixes stress urinary incontinence: Stress urinary incontinence is a condition that occurs due to loss of control over the bladder. Whenever any stress or pressure is placed on the bladder, the patient can experience a loss of control. This happens due to weakness in the muscles of the uterine wall. During a tummy tuck surgery, the surgeon can fix this issue by repairing weak muscles.


    Correct a ventral hernia: A ventral hernia occurs when there is a protrusion of the intestine or other tissue through the abdominal wall. This can lead to severe pain and discomfort. Such a condition can be fixed during a tummy tuck surgery by repairing the displaced tissue.


    Some of these conditions, like ventral hernia or urinary incontinence, can cause severe pain and discomfort in the patient and can also affect their lifestyles. Having these conditions corrected through surgery can save people a lot of pain and discomfort and help improve their quality of life significantly.


    Preparing for a tummy tuck Surgery procedure


    You may be wondering how to prepare for a tummy tuck procedure. Here are a couple of simple steps to follow:


    Maintain a healthy lifestyle


    It is important to exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential to staying in a stable weight range. Weight fluctuations can affect the results of your tummy tuck surgery.


    Prepare for time off


    Take some time off work to recover from the surgery. Make sure your home is prepped with essentials like comfortable pillows and medical supplies to help you through your recovery. Talk to friends and family and have them take over some essential chores like grocery shopping, cooking, or anything that involves lifting heavy weights.


    Follow instructions


    Make sure you follow your surgeon’s instructions on preparing for the tummy tuck surgery, including stopping any medication that can interfere with the surgery or any special diet requirements. Be sure to get a good night’s sleep before the surgery so you’re well rested.


    Educate yourself


    Make sure you read up on the tummy tuck surgery and understand the procedure well. Be sure to ask your surgeon any questions you have regarding the surgery, so you’re well-prepared. Carefully think about your motivation to get the surgery and the possible risks involved so you don’t regret your decision later on.


    Have a financial plan


    Be sure to do your research on the financial costs of the surgery and look into any insurance options you may have that can reduce these costs for you. Getting into a surgery without being financially prepared can lead to serious difficulties later on. Having a financial plan in place ensures that you can deal with the situation stress-free and will not be surprised by any unexpected expenses.


    What does recovery look like post-surgery?


    Recovery period: The recovery period for an abdominoplasty is around 6 weeks. The first few days post-surgery can be very painful. You shouldn’t do any heavy lifting at this point. Be sure to have some help at home for the first week after your surgery.


    Support bands and antibiotics: You will be required to wear some supportive bands around your abdomen post-surgery and take a course of antibiotics to prevent infection. The duration of the antibiotic course will depend on the individual case.


    Drainage tubes: Doctors may also place some drainage tubes in your belly post-surgery to drain any excess fluid that builds up. This will be removed after a couple of days and should not cause you excess discomfort.


    Discomfort post-surgery: You will not be able to sleep on your stomach and may be asked to sleep in a specific position for a few days after your surgery. Smoking and drinking can affect the healing process, so you will not be able to do so for a couple of months post-surgery.


    Tips to follow for recovery


    Here are a couple of tips you can follow to ensure a stress-free and healthy recovery:


    • Do not drink or smoke.


    • Do not lift anything heavy.


    • Eat a healthy diet.


    • Make sure you drink plenty of water.


    • A couple of weeks after surgery, you can do light exercises like going for walks.


    • Be sure to wear your bandages for as long as advised by the doctor.


    • Go to all your follow-up appointments to ensure the recovery is properly monitored.


    • If you experience any excessive pain or discomfort, be sure to consult your doctor.


    • Follow all the instructions given to you by your doctor to ensure a smooth recovery.




    A tummy tuck is therefore a cosmetic surgery option for those looking to remove excess fat in their abdomen. Those looking to get the surgery should consider the risks and do their research before deciding on a surgeon.


    Having someone to help around the house is crucial during the first few weeks of recovery. Patients should also be aware that this surgery is not an option for weight loss and should not undertake it if there will be any fluctuations in their weight. Visit WEA Clinic once to get free consultation on all dermatology related issues.


    In conclusion, those considering the surgery should carefully think through their decision and make sure they have a plan in place to handle the financials and potential challenges that may arise.









    What is the ideal weight for a tummy tuck?


    No, there isn’t an ideal weight for a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck can be performed on people no matter their weight. The important thing is that you are close enough to your ideal weight range, so that there are no weight fluctuations post-surgery.


    Is there an age limit for a tummy tuck?


    There is no upper age limit for the tummy tuck procedure, but it is essential that those considering the surgery have to be in good health and be non-smokers.


    Can a tummy tuck make my stomach flat?


    Yes, the tummy tuck can make your abdomen flatter, as the procedure removes excess fat and tightens the muscles in the abdominal region.



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