

    Wrinkle Treatment

    Wrinkles Treatment Procedure: A Complete Guide

    Complete Procedures of Wrinkle Treatment


    Wrinkles and sagging skin appear naturally as our body ages because the production of essential proteins like collagen or elastin slows down. These proteins are responsible for the stretchiness of the skin. And, as much as you believe in finding the long-lasting solution within a pack or bottle, those products don’t have what it takes to reverse the effects of sagging completely. But wrinkle treatment will do.


    If you’re looking for ways to reverse skin sagging and reduce skin wrinkles, you’re at the right place. At WEA Clinic, our experienced specialists will help you with wrinkle treatments in Chennai.


    This article discusses why the skin sags, the procedures to address saggy and wrinkled skin, and the various wrinkle treatments available.


    Why Do Wrinkles Appear On The face?


    Before we talk about the wrinkle treatment in Chennai, let’s dive into its starting point: the fine lines that form in the face known as wrinkles.


    Facial wrinkles look like ridges and folds, like the crease fold visible in the shirt before ironing. Face wrinkles are part of your body’s aging process.


    Unfortunately, we can’t reverse the clock.


    However, there are various methods, like wrinkle treatment in Chennai, to treat face wrinkles.


    Collagen is a protein in the body that protects the skin’s structure and maintains its durability. Once the collagen level decreases, face wrinkles and saggy skin become visible.


    Other factors that can cause wrinkles include:


    • Smoking


    • Repeated exposure to ultraviolet A/B rays


    • Facial muscle contractions


    • Genetics


    • Environmental and other pollution factors


    • Sun exposure


    • Weight loss or gain


    • Abnormal diet plans


    There are many places where wrinkles may form. Generally, wrinkles appear on the face, neck, hands, and arms.


    Face wrinkles are the most common. Processes like moisturizing, diet intake, or workouts won’t prevent face wrinkles. However, the best wrinkle treatments in Chennai can smoothen or tighten face wrinkles and improve them, notably for a healthy, radiant, and more refreshed look.


    WEA Clinic specializes in various wrinkle treatments in Chennai that reduce saggy skin on the face and body.


    Types Of Wrinkles Treatment


    Choosing the best wrinkle treatment in Chennai is the most essential thing that matches the face wrinkles. There are different types of wrinkles. They are


    • Dynamic wrinkles: This type of wrinkle is visible on the face and can form by frequent facial expressions like raising eyebrows, squinting eyes, smiling, widening the eyes, overexpansion of the mouth, and frowning. Crow’s feet, forehead lines, and happy face lines are examples of dynamic wrinkles.


    • Static wrinkles: The major cause of this type of wrinkle on the face is collagen imbalance, which causes the loss of elasticity and loosens the skin. Marionette lines, nasolabial folds, and necklines are examples of static wrinkles.


    • Compression wrinkles: These wrinkles occur when the face is pressed against something for a long period of time. For example, while sleeping, the face is pressed against the pillow for more time.


    • Wrinkle folds: This type of wrinkle is caused by the drooping facial structure. The skin sagging between the nose and mouth is called nasolabial folds.


    Wrinkle Treatments In Chennai


    There are treatments that reduce the wrinkles on the face. When it comes to face wrinkles, no matter which wrinkle treatment you choose, one essential thing to remember is to choose the right specialist. This can help achieve the desired results. Some of the popular wrinkle treatments in Chennai are listed below.




    Retinoids, a topical vitamin A cream, is a medical product that helps reduce the skin roughness and wrinkles on the face and enhance the texture and pigment level of the skin. Retinoids include many chemicals, such as


    • Retinol


    • Retinyl esters


    • Adapalene


    • Tazarotene


    • Tretinoin


    The vitamin A product penetrates the saggy skin, like the lotion, making the skin radiant and healthier. Initially, retinoid medications may cause skin inflammation and skin peeling due to over-skin sensitivity. Once the skin peeling stops, skin enhancement will appear. It also stimulates proteins like collagen and elastin, giving facial skin a smoother texture. Vitamin A retinoids are not suggested for pregnant women.




    This is a facial rejuvenation procedure that uses a small needle to create a small insertion in the epidermis, the upper layer of the skin, to deal with fine lines and wrinkles on the face, stretch marks, scars, and pores. After the puncture wound heals, it improves skin texture and radiance by stimulating the collagen and elastin proteins. Micro needling, or skin needling, causes minimal swelling and inflammation. If the skin is sensitive, the rate of swelling and bruising may last for a while. Skin needling is generally a safe and effective wrinkle-removing procedure.




    Microdermabrasion is a procedure that slowly removes hard or irregular skin layers and reduces face wrinkles and fine lines in the process. Microdermabrasion also helps in the production of collagen and elastin protein in the deepest skin layers. It grants a soft skin tone and a younger look. This wrinkle treatment is best for treating scars, marks from stretches, and skin damage caused by the sun.


    Chemical peels


    Chemical peel, an outpatient procedure, is a wrinkle treatment that involves applying a chemical solution alongside an acidic solution to the skin’s upper layer. This helps create healthy and radiant skin. Chemical peeling is the best choice for treating damaged, rough skin, scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. It is the best non-invasive wrinkle treatment that leads to younger-looking skin.


    Botox injection therapy


    Botox is a popular wrinkle treatment in Chennai. It is a quick and easy procedure for people seeking to minimize the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles, forehead creases, crow’s feet near the eyes, and thick bands in the neck. During the procedure, the physician injects small amounts into face wrinkles. Botox face treatment should be repeated every three to six months. At WEA Clinic, we have expert doctors to help you treat wrinkles and facial creases with Botox face treatment in Chennai like never before.


    Facial fillers


    Dermal fillers are another type of injection mainly used to eliminate fine lines and deep wrinkles on the face. Dermal facial fillers also produce proteins like collagen, adding volume to droopy and soft facial skin.


    Dermal fillers must be repeated for 1 to 3 sessions to achieve the desired look. Hyaluronic acid is commonly used in facial filler treatment as it can reduce wrinkles on the face.


    Facelift and neck lift


    Facelifts deal with saggy skin and tighten it. The main objective of the facelift is to enhance the appearance of the jawline, lower face, and cheeks.


    It has a few risks, like infection, swelling, skin inflammation, and bleeding.


    A neck lift or lower rhytidectomy mainly focuses on enhancing the look of a person’s neck. A neck lift is done separately but is also a part of the facelift procedure.


    Laser skin resurfacing


    This is one of the most common minimally-invasive wrinkle treatments in Chennai. It focuses on removing wrinkles, enlarged pores, scars, uneven skin colours, and lesions.


    This treatment has several names, such as lasabrasion, laser peel, or laser vaporization. People with the following conditions are considered ideal candidates for laser skin resurfacing.


    • Fine lines under the eyes, mouth, and forehead


    • Wrinkles around or under the mouth, eyes, and forehead


    • Acne scars


    The Wrinkle Removal Procedure


    There are various ways for treating wrinkles on the face. Before choosing a procedure, consult your specialist to determine which one is suitable for you.


    Also, discuss your previous medications and the objectives of your procedures. Every wrinkle treatment has a unique goal, but how it is done and its type might differ.


    Based on the type of your treatment, your specialist may suggest you stay out of the sun for a period of time. This will protect your skin.


    Before starting the wrinkle treatment, the surgeon will remove excess oil and makeup on your face. Then, the surgeon provides eye protection to prevent injury.


    Procedures like micro-needling, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, and neuromodulator injections are outpatient procedures that require a few minutes to a few hours to complete.


    Anaesthesia may be required for surgical procedures like facelifts and neck lifts.


    Once the procedure is done, your specialist will provide post-care tips and follow-ups, which will help increase the wrinkle treatment’s effects and protect you from side effects. This normally includes


    • Avoiding intense skincare routines until the skin recovers from the wrinkle treatment.


    • Not rubbing treated skin.


    • Giving a gentle massage using ice.


    • Using sunscreen when heading out.


    • Gently cleansing and using a soft towel to massage the skin.


    • Drinking enough water to stay hydrated.


    • Avoiding smoking and drinking during the recovery period.


    • Using moisturizer.


    Why Choose WEA Clinic For Wrinkle Treatment In Chennai?


    Wrinkles are a natural part of our lives. There are many options for treating wrinkles in Chennai. But why should you choose WEA, the best skincare clinic in Chennai?


    WEA prioritizes your safety. We make our patients feel welcomed and reassured when entering the clinic. To ensure the maximum standard of patient care, all our wrinkle treatments are carried out by an experienced and highly qualified team.


    We are also serious regarding clients’ privacy and confidentiality.


    If you have sagging skin and need to remove the face wrinkles that affect your daily life or self-esteem, speak with our experts at 8270582706 or write to contact at today.







    Frequently Asked Questions


    What is the recovery time for wrinkle treatment in Chennai?


    Fillers and micro needling, or skin needling, have a recovery period of one to three days. Other popular wrinkle treatments, like microdermabrasion, chemical peel, and laser skin resurfacing, have a recovery period of 1 to 3 weeks. Facelifts need more than three weeks for complete healing.


    Can I permanently remove wrinkles?


    There are wrinkle treatments that permanently remove the wrinkles on the face, like dermabrasion. It cannot be assured that every other wrinkle treatment’s results can be permanent, but they do produce radiant skin.


    How are wrinkles diagnosed?


    A visual study is the most common method for diagnosing wrinkles. Experts usually look for fine lines in various parts of the face.


    Once diagnosed, it is important to choose the best clinic and healthcare professional. Then, schedule a consultation to discuss your wrinkle concerns. Afterwards, they will proceed with a suitable wrinkle procedure.




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